The Robotanist Track 6: Wednesday Song

This song holds a special place in my heart - it was written with a very kind-hearted friend in mind, and Wednesday Song marks the first time I have written and recorded an instrumental song. It came about quite by accident too… 


When I am in the process of writing and recording an album (and if you’ve been following my adventures for the past 17 months you know that I am always writing and recording an album - lol!) I try to set myself up with a head start on the next day. When I finish off a song, I always attempt to have the basics written for my next session. 


Often working late into the night, I have to watch how loud I am while everyone else isAndrew Rodger and Stop Yelling - Wednesday Song Waves sleeping. Having just completed a song for The Robotanist album, I wanted to follow up on something that had really inspired me - a friend’s Instagram post about her engagement and upcoming wedding. At about 2:30am on a Wednesday morning, I created a song and since I had to be really quiet, I turned the mics way up and strummed very softly, just to have a recorded version of my concept. So that I wouldn’t lose track of the song in my files, I called this demo version “Wednesday Song.” 


When I returned to the studio after a bit of sleep, I began working on the song. Lyrics were written and rewritten. Lyric placement was changed and changed again. But, they just didn’t quite fit the song. That’s not a problem I usually have. The song was made longer and I re-recorded the guitar parts. But, no matter how hard I tried, I just could not get that same late-night sound - a sound that conveyed the same feelings from the night before. And believe me, I tried!! 


One of the cool things about The Robotanist project though, was that it wasn’t a collection of my favourite tunes from my past catalogue of songs. I was creating new songs with a theme (sadly-optimistic love songs) and the more I tried to “make” something happen for this song, the more I realized it didn’t actually need anything. The original, 2:30am demo version of Wednesday Song, is the version that appears on the album. 


Sometimes we don’t need words to express ourselves… Sometimes, all we need is the feeling. With that in mind, I see many more instrumentals in my future...


See ya next time…


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