The Wombat Project - Would David Byrne Dance To This

Inspired by legendary singer-songwriter and composer, David Byrne, from the very early stages of my career, I have not only been influenced by Byrne’s prowess as a creator and vocalist, I have also been inspired by his movement.


I was always fascinated by his movements on stage and in videos - from his days in Talking Heads, right up to his current work.


In my younger days, I would find myself dancing to the beat of the proverbial ‘different drummer’ and when I saw Stop Making Sense years ago, which is still the greatest concert movie ever made in my opinion, my own movements while listening to music finally made sense.


When I was at a club or a party in my early twenties, most people were dancing to the 1, 2, 3, 4, beat, while I was hearing and moving to beat 2, 4, 5 and 8 - I just felt music differently. And usually ended up dancing by myself because of it…


So, in creating The WOMBAT Project, I always asked myself one key question while composing each song - would David Byrne enjoy dancing to this? I felt like maybe, and I realise it is a big maybe, that if David Byrne heard a track like Tridifferent or Origami Tiger, maybe he'd enjoy my little contribution to the music world. What do you think - Would David Byrne dance to this?


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